A Company from Südtirol AEO

Transit documents

Upon request of the driver together with the export declaration we can issue the related document of transit T1, T2 or Carnet TIR. The advantages are obvious:

  • No additional waiting period for truck and driver
  • No additional distance to reach a further customs office
  • Immediate return of the export declaration provided with the necessary remark exported from the EC

The opportunity to issue this transit documents depends mainly on logistic matters. It could be impossible p.e. if truck has to load other goods within the EC territory before leaving it.

Business Hours

Monday 6:00 - 20:00
from Tuesday to Thursday 6:30 - 21:00
Friday 6:30 - 22:00
Saturday 6:30 - 12:00


Tel: +39.0472.767706
Fax: +39.0472.766333
Email: tastsrl(at)
Email PEC: tastsrl(at)


TAST Transito SRL

Autostazione doganale
I - 39049 VIPITENO (BZ)

More than 40 years of experience

With more than 40 years of experience we are a company leader in ambit of customs formalities, transit documents and Intrastat.